Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Ablation procedure has been completed. Mom had to take him back to the hospital on Sunday night - His heart was racing again. I went to see him Monday morning before the procedure, and he was so miserable. I know the waiting is so difficult and the times that I have had to wait for medical & surgical procedures it has helped me to have Marv with me. Dad really didn't want us to stay with him. He didn't feel good enough to talk. I sat next to him for a bit, & he put his head down on my shoulder & I held tight to him. I haven't seen him since the ablation was done. He had to spend 6 hours lying flat & that went up to 9pm. I knew he would only want to rest as comfortably as possible after that. Mom brought him home this morning & she says he has been a good patient - resting most of the day. After work tomorrow, I think I'll go see how he's feeling. I hope he can get a good night of sleep tonight in his own bed.