Being a nut, it is often too easy to live life in a shell. I don't mean too, but thats the way it is I guess. I'm sitting here feeling incredibly sad that I didn't realize Phil was going to Ted's concert. I really, really wanted to go, but knew that I was not really up to the drive if it was just going to be Mom & me. I love to hear his choir, and to be with him when he is doing something he loves so much. But I didn't pursue the issue adequately, and I missed it. I wish you could experience what I feel when I listen to my brother sing with his friends in such beautiful places. This looks like the church that Mom & I saw Opus sing in last fall, but I could be wrong. I see that Bill Cope is back with the choir, and I am happy about that. I'm sorry I missed it.
In other news - news that you may be very tired of hearing about - I've hit a bit of a set back in my physical therapy. Apparently, I've got angry and inflamed attachments to my collarbone. I'm frustrated and disappointed, but I guess we just need to slow things back down for a bit and see if my shoulder can catch up to my desire to get moving.
Spent Mother's Day hangin' with Mom, Dad too, Phil & Christie, and Zachary. That Z is sooo cute! I wish Meghan and Sarah could have been with us too. Not to mention Ted, Becky, Bill & Eliz, Eric, Chandra, Stacey, and so on...
Evan is off chasing storms this week. He's working on this trip and will be again on another trip this summer. Cool thing that he gets to get paid to do the things he loves to do. I certainly don't wish for any damage and destruction, but I hope he gets some good storms to chase. And naturally, I want him chasing the storms not the other way around!
Stacey had just one week off between horse shows last week and this week is off to Milwaukee for a 4 day show. A 4 day show usually means she will be away from home for about 6 days. She showed our horse Biff two weeks ago, and he looked beautiful taking a 3rd place in a good sized class. She will take him again the weekend of June 1 to Springfield and see what he can do. They are a gorgeous pair to watch. Well that is if he behaves himself! Maybe I can get a decent picture or two then. Last time my hands were shaking so that my pics were all out of focus.